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The last Hetian jade

The same bed as the cemetery is reserved for hetian and yulong kashi. Even the most law-abiding gatherers would not bother to backfill their quarry, as they would soon face the prospect of being rediscovered by new excavators. As the number of vehicles on the 216 national highway has increased in recent years, more and more people are digging in the countryside during the idle season.
The river bed section of the yulong kashi river south of the town of hetian is the site of ancient jade mining, which is now experiencing an unprecedented disaster. Up the road, through the cobblestone hills and ravines on the riverbed, you can see the large excavators and excavators working alongside them.
About 30 kilometers from the city of hetian, it is the center of the river bed of the yulong kashi river. It's the most crowded hour of the day at noon and afternoon. It is not only the place of worship and small jade trade fairs for the uyghurs, but also for lunch and daily necessities, and most of the operators are the wives or elderly people who come with the jade workers. With these two years of hetian jade fever, it has all the elements needed for a primitive village.
Most of the jade in hetian at the last moment is in the front of the grand mosque on Friday at the jade bazaar. They were spread out on the shelves and in the hands of the mobile jade traders, and after a few standard haggling, the jade merchants and tourists from all over the country left the field.
The combination of the country of origin and the mass distribution has formed a monopoly to some extent. Since 2006, hetian has replaced Beijing, Shanghai and guangzhou as the most expensive places in the country. This is contrary to the usual rule of origin price.
The last hetian jade.
Face yulong kashi river bed thousands of digger and collect jade army 100000, 2005, collect jade permits issued by the local government abolished the past, and standardizes the local administrative department to collect jade approval process. In September 2006 and March 2007, and began to excessive mining stripping in a riverbed and channel governance, ordered troops to the clean-up of yulong kashi river, 100 kilometers long, and even sent a helicopter patrol.

Natural jade carving collectibles Chinese Hetian nephrite jade
It's a pity that they didn't play a proper role, you can see the fact is that government restrictions are improved the excavation of barriers to entry, increased the cost of collect jade, also be an indirect factor of hetian jade prices soared. The yulong kashgar river, which has been dug up, is still the same. No one knows how much of an ecological crisis lurks in the river bed of the yulong kashgar river, which was destroyed by excavators.
With the discovery of jade in the riverbed less and less, a new attack on hetian jade is brewing in the jade merchants. More and more people came to the upper reaches of the mushi mountain to dig jade. The "mountain material", which is more than 3500 meters above sea level in kunlun mountains, is also more and more appeared on the jade barza. Some experts predict that, within three or five years, there won't be another new hetian jade unearthed in hotan.
"Hetian and tian yu" will make this abnormal value chain more deformed. The market is constantly testing and the limit value of tian yu. When pu 'er tea, jade, hetian jade, like gold, stock, and real estate become the symbol of capital, who will be next?

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